It’s an Art Show, Jim, but not as you know it!

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“It’s an art show, Jim, but not as you know it!”
Just when you thought that visiting art galleries was lost forever in these uncertain times, enter The Bloomz—a fabulous art collective that has re-written the definition of an online art show!

How many times have you visited an art gallery exhibition only to be surrounded by people, quaffing champagne and canapés, and appearing to know all about the different works of art?  

​​Maybe you long to ask questions about the art or artists, but feel it would make you sound ignorant or silly?  You could ask a member of staff, but then all they seem to want to do is sell, sell, sell!  And once they see you’re not biting, they’re off to try their tactics on someone else.  

​​All this can be very intimidating and off-putting.  

Now, if only there was a way to spend a lovely, relaxing 2–3 hours, visiting artists from around the globe; live in their own studios; talking with enthusiasm and passion about their chosen medium; showing you their new, original pieces; answering all your questions about their inspirations and processes; and not trying to force a sale on you!  

​​A few months ago, with the world in the grip of the pandemic, this art-lover’s utopia was just a dream.  

​​That dream is now a reality with the formation of The Bloomz Arthouse Collective and its groundbreaking International Online Art Show.

The Bloomz (named in honour of the The Bloomsbury Group of artists, authors and philosophers, in London in the early 1900s) is a very special, eclectic mix of thirteen amazing artists from around the world.  

​​Fuelled by the joy of their art and the desire to share the love of their vocation with as many people as possible, the decision was made to break the norm of the flat, scrolling website nature of other online art events.  By using the many—often unknown—features present within the Zoom video meeting app, they have built the most amazing online art experience.

The inaugural show took place last September and was a huge success.  It is now set to be a permanent fixture in the global, art calendar with three shows per year.  The first show of 2021 takes place on:

Friday 29th January (7pm) and Saturday 30th January (10am and 7pm)


All times are GMT

Watercolours, oils, acrylics, encaustic wax, charcoal, fibre and fabrics are all represented by artists in the varied genres of landscape, portraits, animals, fantasy, spiritual, figurative, textile art and fibre art sculptures.  The artists will be working, live, in their studios in the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia and Canada.

Tickets to The Bloomz Arthouse Show are free, but visitors must register for the event to receive joining instructions and pre-show material to make their visit even more enjoyable.  

​​For info on current projects The Bloomz Arthouse are running, visit their website:

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