Julie Wrathall Encaustic Wax 1-1’s

 In How To Paint With Encaustic Wax
 This blog shares how you can work with me 1-1…
I’m often quizzed about encaustic, my methods and how to’s… but there’s rarely any chance to go deeper into them now that my in person events have stopped, and whilst my online courses are fabulous…. (I highly recommend them by the way!)    You often can’t beat that personalised direction, specific to YOU…

These sessions make great ideas for gifts, so think about who could benefit from this in your world, or when people ask you what you want for your next birthday or Christmas present… bear these sessions in mind…!

I also do gift vouchers which can be redeemed against these sessions, they are available in amounts from £5 to £500… super easy to purchase, just select the amount and quantity of vouchers required, add who it’s to, who it’s from, add an optional message, and your voucher(s) will be e-mailed directly to your, or their, inbox.

I’ve created these sessions to help you with your creative practice… really look forward to speaking with you, and help you with getting creative with encaustic soon…

encaustic wax painting

Book your 1-1 sessions, and read more HERE.

Julie. x

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