Encaustic Wax Workshop for Maggie Grey’s WOW books
Encaustic Wax Workshop for WOW Book Seven…
Well…. This feels like the longest awaited news everrrr….
But, at long last…
I have the hard copy of d4daisy’s WOW Book 07 in my hands…
and WOW… it was worth the 18 month wait…!!
It truly is a thing of beauty… It feels utterly AMAZING to finally have it here….
There are two reasons that it’s so exciting for me:
You can read the reasons around why the project took so long below….
But the excitement, more than the wait, is that I had searched for HOURS… high and low… to find any encaustic wax books and articles, which are nigh on impossible to find in the UK….
It’s why I eventually created my online courses, out of pure frustration at lack of resources…. This book, feels one step closer to helping encaustic to become more mainstream in the UK…
Aren’t those photographs dreamy….?!! Make’s you want to get your waxes out right…?!!
See it for yourself…
You can order a signed copy through me… £26 + P&P… just e-mail julie@artyheaven.com to arrange.
Or, you can order online here: https://www.d4daisy.com
Not only will you get the book, (which is available as a softback or pdf), you also get access to the WOWbook members club, which has additional online resources… (from the regular contributors, not encaustic related resources currently.)
For the background of how the workshop article came about… and the reason for the delay…. read on below…
I was asked to write an encaustic wax workshop for Maggie Grey’s WOW (Workshop on the Web) books, published by d4daisy Books… what feels like a lifetime ago…
I started the communications with the editor, paperwork in place, I’d drafted my first workshop revision… and then Covid hit…

I had created a very paired down tutorial of how to paint with wax… (that’s an entire book on its own!) and created a great first step introduction to wax and dammar encaustics for their readership…
I was delighted when they contacted me and asked if we could “add some more stages” to the workshop “as it was such a good technique!”
We missed out on WOWbook Six, but was pleased to make it into WOWbook Seven…