Live videos talking about Encaustic Wax Art Retreat Weeks

 In Exhibitions and Events - Historical

Lots of questions have been coming up about the VIP Art Retreat Weeks I am running…  So I am doing a series of Live videos and interviews to answer them… It’s far easier to explain than to write in text, and I can SHOW you… they say a picture paints a thousand words….


**Latest**  Interview with Samantha Packer, one of the guest tutors on my art retreat weeks… Even if you can’t make it in person, you can’t help but be inspired by some of Sams work! 😀


More information on the course, the studio and the area……..

Video 1:  Behind the scenes at my studio… What we will be doing during the week, and how I’ll set the studio up.   Logistics.  Where to stay.  Travel Consultant contact.   Other options if a week isn’t possible. (12 mins)


Video 2:  Guidance on how and where to find information.  Payment Plan details.  Introduction to guest tutors.  Flexibility on my days according to our areas of knowledge.  How the week will begin.  Testimonials.  Maps for exact studio location. (12 mins)


**I ran into some technical issues with my website at this point… So did the lives out of sequence whilst my site was down.    They are in order on this blog, but I’m including a note to explain in case you are wondering!**


Video 3:  Introducing my first guest tutor, Sara Wickenden who visits the studio on day two.   Hear about Sara’s 20-year background working with encaustic wax.   Her work at The National Maritime Museum, on George Stubbs Dingo and Kangaroo paintings.  Plus, what we will work on during the day.  (10 mins)



Video 4:  Day three = Late start!   I buy you brunch in Berkhamsted, and we take a trip to my local art shop.  Followed by an afternoon studio session, where we work on techniques discussed on Day One.  Work on into the evening if you wish.  Some people get tired with all the new information, so use this evening to recharge, or to work in the studio as you wish.  (6 mins)   I wasn’t sure of the date during this live, it is 7th – 12th October 2019.  (Plus two other dates in 2020.)


Video 5:  You’ve seen Berkhamsted, here’s a video of Sarratt. (3 mins)


Video 6: Introducing my second guest tutor, Samantha Packer… Mixed Media and Textile specialist.  She introduces a host of new materials, all of which mix beautifully with encaustic and mixed media work. (8 mins)


Video 7:  On day five, we head to London!  We will visit The Petrie Museum.  (2 mins)

Video 8: The British Museum – The Live I did from there didn’t transmit, sorry!

Video 9: Cornelissen – If I could transmit the SMELL of this place!  It’s like a scene from a Harry Potter movie, it’s an amazing old fashioned art store… I could sit in here all day if allowed! (2 mins)


Video 10: Days 5 & 6… Wrapping the week up.  (5 mins)


Video 11: Need help with where to stay?  Flights or travel?  Meet Nicola Benson who can help you, and possibly even save you money!  (4 mins)


To see what others have to say about my workshops… click the TESTIMONIALS link below….

It’s a joy for me to share my studio space and the wax techniques I know with other artists, but to then receive feedback like this on top…  just makes it even more special.


This week is for artists who are already using the beeswax and dammar resin style of encaustic painting.

There is a beginners week for artists new to this medium in May 2020, which will run in the same format, but without the two guest tutors.

Can you imagine spending a whole week immersing yourself in this Arty Heaven?   It would be my idea of a dream week… What say you?

There are only four spaces on each week.  Go here to read more and to book your ticket to a week of Encaustic Arty Heaven.


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