Introduction to Encaustic Wax Painting with R&F Beeswax & Dammar Resin | April 4th & 5th, 2019


Thursday 4th and Friday 5th April, 2019 – 10am – 4pm
Julie Ann’s ‘Arty Heaven’ Studio
The Old Barn, Newhall Farm, Bucks Hill, Sarratt, Kings Langley, Herts.

Understand how to paint with R&F / Beeswax and Dammar Resin, learn health and safety, and how to layer the medium to create beautiful fluid artworks.

2 days x 6 hours. £320 per person.

All materials included. Maximum 3 people.

Directions to the studio can be found here

Out of stock


This style of working with wax is entirely different to the Arts Encaustic range, it is more involved and has health and safety implications to be considered, so recommend the two-day course for all beginners. 

Shorter sessions can be booked thereafter.

Beeswax and Dammar Resin / Encaustic Medium, with Mixed Media Wax Techniques

Two day course, including all materials. 10am-4pm.  £320.

Encaustic Wax medium is applied in multiple layers, fused, and pigmented in a variety of ways. Mementoes, grasses, and coloured papers are incorporated to create an interesting mixed media style of work.


Day 1 We will look at:

– A brief background and history of Encaustic Wax Art

– Different supports to work on

– Different types of Waxes and Mediums

– Pigments and methods to colour the wax

– Introduction to the Basics and Health & Safety

– Demonstration of basics, and versatility of wax

– You put the techniques shown into practice, and create a selection of test pieces, with notes to act as an aide memoir.

– Prepare a wooden board (8″ x 10″) ready for use in Day 2 session.


Day 2

– Practice more ways of embellishing, layering and scratching into the wax.

– Pull what you’ve learnt together, by working on a finished artwork on your prepared board from Day 1.


Maximum of three students, based in my studio in Sarratt.

Recommended for students who have either previously worked with wax, or who are competent with trying out new art techniques.

The encaustic materials used in this session are not very easy to come by, therefore, for this course, all materials and tools are included.

Additional Encaustic Wax materials are available to purchase directly from my studio, or we can order in any supplies you think you might want.

Plenty of tea, coffee, and biccies will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch.

Any other questions, feel free to get in touch.


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