Soulacy Magazine Article

 In Exhibitions and Events - Historical, Julie's Life Musings

Earlier this year, I was invited to be a featured artist for a magazine called Soulacy

It’s a beautiful nourishing read, that is packed full of inspirational, soul filling articles. I was delighted to have been asked to participate. 

I haven’t shared this article until now, part of the magazines terms, I needed to wait for a number of months before sharing the content elsewhere… that time has passed, so I’m sharing it now, with you lovely people!

Here’s a glimpse of how Soulacy looks when laid out in the magazine….. Beautiful huh…?!

Michelle, the editor of Soulacy, has a gift of taking words and images, and turning it into something visually stunning.  (My attempt at capturing the content and sharing on this page, isn’t a patch on flipping through the actual Magazine!)

Anyhow…. I hope you enjoy the article, please let me know!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and insight into my creativeness…

I want to finish up by saying… Art is such a beautiful and personal thing, but people often get a bit daunted with it….  

In my world, you don’t need to be an art expert to appreciate paintings. I simply want you to connect, deep down, with the images, colours and textures I have created. 

I love helping people take their first steps… there’s so much unnecessary mystery, and confusion around art, so just trust the connection you feel to a piece, and ask any questions that come up, I’ll be happy to help.

Click here to view Julie Wrathall’s Encaustic Wax Art, or to commission a personalised piece.


Here’s another peek at the magazine layout, for you to envision how it looked in the magazine… so much more beautiful than I’ve captured in this blog!

Check out the deliciousness of Soulacy Magazine here…

& Get Your Original Julie Wrathall Encaustic Art Here!



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