Summer Progress

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When I started this venture, it was a passionate hobby, which if I sold an odd card, or picture, I was utterly elated… My painting and drawing has lead me on a path, I never could have imagined two or three years ago. The self discovery has been phenomenal and there is no way back to where I was before. So, I suddenly find myself this year, with a studio, bills, and the abrupt realisation that I have to make this work, or face the reality of going back to ‘office work’ and that makes me shudder!

I have spent the summer putting a system in place, keeping track of what work is where, building this website, getting my important information off the back of scraps of paper and post it notes! Trying to put some form of structure in place. Whilst my creative side likes to work in utter chaos, I don’t function well if my paperwork is everywhere, and it doesn’t help with pricing when you can’t remember what your costs were!

I am slowly getting things straight, it takes time, thought and overcoming the inevitable wrong turn here and there. The learning curve has been steep at times, but I see a path way ahead. Resisting the impulse to create is often futile, when I need to throw some wax around, or get my paints out, there is no stopping to finish the last details, that can wait.

So, with so many exciting possibilities lying ahead, it is time to see what part I will be of them. Everything is leading me in this direction, everything to the depth of my soul is screaming at me to try it and see what happens, time will tell if my instincts are right.

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