INVITATION **************** Myself and the other members of The Bloomz, would like to invite you to our inaugural The Bloomz Arthouse International On-line Art Show on 26th September 2020 at [...]
Do you live near London? Well… North West London… Hertfordshire**, just outside the M25 to be precise… Are you looking for somewhere ‘different’ to go on a day out…? Do all your usual [...]
Wow…. How things can change within a week… What felt like something that affected ‘somebody else, but not me’ has really come into play this week, and as events unfold, [...]
*Blog title credit to: Lidija Pisker, OZY Author I came across a blog on t’interweb recently…. The title ‘The Strange Art of Ironing Out Depression‘ instantly [...]
Do you intend to be creating more? You keep looking at all the kit, but you just can’t get motivated, or get overwhelmed…? Maybe you love wax, but you’re exasperated by all the [...]
2019 round up. I think it’s always good to sit down and take a few minutes to reflect on the past year, (in fact decade) and decide what has worked and what hasn’t. It enables me to recognise how [...]
We all know what happened in 2020… I’m being patient to see whether I can make it to the 2022 conference instead, I am so grateful to the Conference team, who have been so [...]
Lots of questions have been coming up about the VIP Art Retreat Weeks I am running… So I am doing a series of Live videos and interviews to answer them… It’s far easier to [...]
How do you fancy having something in the diary to really look forward to in the Autumn? Do you have somebody special, or a group of friends you’d love to get together to have a fun creative [...]
Wax and Wine anyone…? Have you been thinking you fancy a go at this wax painting malarkey, but don’t know if it’s for you…? Think it could be fun… BUT…..? [...]
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