What wax colours to choose?! This blog is to help you with your encaustic wax colour choices… when I was selling my wax supplies whilst doing in person workshops, or on open days, people [...]
For those of you who are new here, I came across this intro by The Bloomz Arthouse recently, it was quite a nice write up, so thought I’d use it to reintroduce myself on this [...]
I’m very excited to share the news of a first major encaustic exhibition in Europe, opening this coming weekend in Stade in Germany! A project four years in the making, and one I’ve [...]
I wanted to share a little about my travels to Lisbon last week, to repair an encaustic painting… A few months ago, I was contacted by a gentleman, who asked me if I could do anything with [...]
Today, I’ve decided to share a bit of my history, and a story around some of the fears I’ve had over the years with my art.I don’t usually share this stuff, but I’m hoping my [...]
We had the most amazing time at our Bloomz YouTube Premiere on Sunday… I’ll be honest, I was a bit nervous, as it was my first experience of an event like this, but apart from one [...]
I was so grateful to have received The Binnie Birstein Scholarship to attend The Encaustic Conference earlier this month, this is a way of giving back, and sharing some of that infectious [...]
I am very excited to be involved with a project including 30 New England Wax and 26 European Encaustic Artists, called Transatlantic Fusion. Transatlantic Fusion are teaming up to collaborate and [...]
Have you ever had moments where you’ve been completely stopped in your tracks by something? Maybe it’s a piece of music, or a beautifully designed building, a car, or a piece of art? This [...]
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