COME AND CHAT ALL THINGS ART AND ENCAUSTIC WITH ME AT MY NEXT ART SHOW… CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS Are you ready for an art show with a difference…? Check out our upcoming Annual Bloomz [...]
A quick line today to tell you about lots of exciting things that are in the encaustic wax pipeline! Much like buses, there can be very little to report, but then lots of things happen at the [...]
This picture sums up everything about encaustic for me… Delicious… tactile… Art that gives you goosebumps… Take a tour around my Online Courses Page and discover [...]
Earlier this year, I was invited to be a featured artist for a magazine called Soulacy…It’s a beautiful nourishing read, that is packed full of inspirational, soul filling articles. I [...]
This blog shares how you can work with me 1-1… I’m often quizzed about encaustic, my methods and how to’s… but there’s rarely any chance to go deeper into them now [...]
QUIZ TIME…! If I were to ask you what the most expensive artwork sold by a living artist was today… Would you know…? I didn’t until I started a little research into [...]
There’s a lot happening at the moment, so I’ve wrapped three of my current updates into one blog…. Read on for the full run down… and I hope you’ll come and join me [...]
At last an in person art event…! I’m really happy to have teamed up with a group of local artists, for an in person exhibition, in a lovely spacious gallery, with The Dacorum [...]
One of my current ‘projects’ on the go, is that I’ve been invited back to this private members club in London, to do another talk on my encaustic wax artwork this month… I did an art talk and [...]
Encaustic Wax Workshop for WOW Book Seven… Well…. This feels like the longest awaited news everrrr…. But, at long last… I have the hard copy of d4daisy’s WOW Book 07 [...]
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