New Monthly Encaustic Subscription Group….

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I am super excited to reveal a brand new encaustic wax specific resource for you….
As a result of the success of our first monthly encaustic video calls…

I have expanded that format into a brand new monthly membership programme… All about encaustic!

You can read about it all here:
I hope you are as excited about this new resource as I am!   I will keep publicising and talking about it, but this blog is ‘hot off the press’ so to speak.
A link to the blog about my upcoming Interview with Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch can be found here:
I have been involved in these kind of calls through other artist groups, and business memberships, and found them to be super helpful, so I thought why not create one specific to encaustic… So here we are…
I am so excited to be able to share these resources with you, I really hope you are too!
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