In November last year, I was contacted by a lady who wanted some commissioned pieces of artwork for her walls. I take on a handful of commissions each year, and love nothing more than [...]
What I’m sharing today, has been shared before, but it’s so important, I think it’s worth sharing again…. How many of us were told we couldn’t ‘do’ art… YEP… HANDS UP… Perhaps you painted a [...]
If you’ve been meaning to buy your own encaustic wax equipment, but just not got around to it yet, this post is to let you know that most encaustic wax supplies are increasing, by around [...]
Did you know the origins of encaustic wax painting goes back to Egyptian Mummy Portraiture and Iconography, around 2,000 years ago…? (A couple of examples below) I’d always worked [...]
I had the privilege to be asked to repair two encaustic paintings in the autumn, which proved to be one of the biggest challenges I’ve encountered yet. Back in the summer, I was contacted by a [...]
The thing I love most about teaching how to paint with encaustic wax is…. The quiet hush… If you had told me five years ago, that I’d be teaching people how to paint I’d have said you were off [...]
Do you struggle to know what to buy people at Christmas…? I know I do….! The heart sinks at the question…. “What do you want…..” I don’t want to be ungrateful, but in truth… what is [...]
How many of us were told we couldn’t ‘do’ art… YEP… HANDS UP… Perhaps you painted a picture you were really proud of, yet the teacher put a big cross through it…? Everybody else in the class [...]
My first time at Living Crafts last Friday, the largest craft fair in Europe apparently, “promoting the very best of British Crafts”… The weather was fabulous, and I was lucky [...]
May 2016 update…. I’m excited to tell you about a new wax offer I’ve pulled together… The situation I keep seeing, are people really fancy a go at encaustic wax, but by the time [...]
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