Encaustic Wax Workshop for WOW Book Seven… Well…. This feels like the longest awaited news everrrr…. But, at long last… I have the hard copy of d4daisy’s WOW Book 07 [...]
So my latest project has been under wraps for a little while until everything was firmed up, but I can share with you now… I was super excited to be asked by Michelle Ireland to be a [...]
The countdown has begun to our next Bloomz Art Exhibition on the 18th & 19th June. Ten artists from around the globe. Come and speak to us directly about our art, in our own individual Zoom [...]
Filaments and Fibre… my new favourite Podcast… Oh my… these two are absolutely hysterical… Do check Episodes One and Two out… where Stephanie Lester and Steve [...]
I said last year that you would see more art from me in 2021… True to my word, I want to share an upcoming exhibition with you. An art exhibition… with a twist… Come and join [...]
What a fabulous event we had on Saturday…! The first ever Bloomz Online International Art Exhibition, with eleven artists, was held over Zoom… This was us at the end of the [...]
INVITATION **************** Myself and the other members of The Bloomz, would like to invite you to our inaugural The Bloomz Arthouse International On-line Art Show on 26th September 2020 at [...]
I’m on iTunes….! Last week I was interviewed by the super talented Jeanette Lendon, from Jet Black Squares, on her Disruptive Niche Podcast, where she interviews businesses who are [...]
Have a listen in to catch my latest interview, talking about all things encaustic wax, and part of my art journey to get here! To find out more about Leigh and Paula’s work, check [...]
You may have seen my work was on display at The Creative Collective pop up shop in Berkhamsted at the end of January, I had people say, “I went in, but you’d gone!” Yep, that is the [...]
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